2012 Unconditional Basic Income in a Capitalistic System
Will be an Unconditional Basic Income an effective & sustained change in a capitalistic System which supports all for a Life in Dignity?
The Money System itself with all Laws around is based on allowing and accepting abuse and crime – so by implementing an unconditional basic income it will definitely not work in a way what is… Weiterlesen →
Veröffentlicht unter English, The World & Equal Money FAQ's | Verschlagwortet mit 2012, abuse, against, anarchy, anrachie, armut, awake, awakening, basic income, bedinungsloses Grundeinkommen, bge, capitalism, capitalistic system, communism, democracy, demokratie, desteni, desteni2012, einheit, equality, eu, europa, freiheit, gemeinsam, gesellschaft, gleich, gleichgerechtes geld, grechtigkeit, greed, investigation, justice, kapitalismus, kommunismus, korruption, marx, merkel, miteinander, österreich, political movement, politische bewegung, poverty, research, resourcen, resources, socialism, society, sozialismus, stand up, study, unconditional, wake up, weltweit, wulff, würdevolles Leben | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
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