2012 New Study – The Europeans work too little.
Today I have read an article about a new Study from the World-Bank-Group where they means that the Europeans have to work more so that we have a steady growth of our Economy because currently it seems that we have a falling within our Productivity. The Study shows also that Europe become a Lifestyle-Super-Power from the whole Human-History and that… Weiterlesen →
Veröffentlicht unter English, The World & Equal Money FAQ's | Verschlagwortet mit 2012, arbeitslosigkeit, austria, change, co worker, competition, crisis, debt, desteni, desteni2012, destonians, deutschland, economy, EMS, entscheidung, equal money system, equality, equalmoney, ESM, eu, eu parlament, euro, europe, france, frankreich, germany, immigration, investigation, krise, liberty, lifestyle, merkel, ökonomie, oneness, österreich, pension, policy, politk, poverty, rente, research, rettungsschirm, schulden, schweiz, slave labor, standard, starvation, study, survey, switzerland, system, the europeans work to little, unemployment insurance, us, veränderung wirtschaftssystem, weltbank, world bank group, world news, worldwide | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
2011 Standard & Poor´s – Downgrade of the Rating-Credit of EU-Countries
Yesterdy the Rating-Agentcy decided to downgrade the credit-worthiness of some EU Countries like Austria, Germany, France, Finland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Always it was believed that those Countries are solid as a rock especially Germany – but how it seems – they are not.
How long will humanity accept this deceptive game as our current money-system?
How long… Weiterlesen →
Veröffentlicht unter English, The World & Equal Money FAQ's | Verschlagwortet mit basic income, bedingungsloses grundeinkommen, bge, countries, crisis, currency, debt, desteni, desteniiprocess, downgrade, economy, equal life foundation, equal money, equal rights, equalmoney, eu, fair trade, faq, geld für all, gerechte verteilung, gerechtigkeit, how to, money, pleite, poor, rating agentcy, rating credit, standard, vulture | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
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