Debunking 2012, Ascension & Spirituality
Here I share all what I see & realize through watching the hot topic of 2012, Ascension and in general Spirituality with open eyes & Common Sense.
2012 How can Love be the answer for our problems?
First of all I want to look on what love is.
I realized that Love is just an energetic and chemical reaction within our mind which gives impulses to the physical body. Through some thoughts or picture in our mind or something what we see in our environment a feeling in our stomach area arise/comes up. So on that point… Weiterlesen →
2012 Why Ascension will bring no better World for all
The Winter in Europe became very hard. Within the actual stand there are more than 200 People who frozen already to death and of course not to forget that there are thousands of people who starve to death each days and children who must work as prostitutes for their survival and so and so forth.
Is this a worthy living… Weiterlesen →
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