Streben nach Anerkennung als guter Mensch Selbst-Vergebung – Tag 38
Ich vergebe mir selbst, dass ich mir akzeptiert und erlaubt habe nach Anerkennung als guter Mensch zu streben und somit nicht zu erkennen, sehen und verstehen, dass durch das streben nach Anerkennung, ich von Angst getrieben bin – Angst davor, das ich von der Gruppe nicht so akzeptiert werde wie ich bin - Angst davor, dass ich von anderen… Weiterlesen
2012 How can Love be the answer for our problems?
First of all I want to look on what love is.
I realized that Love is just an energetic and chemical reaction within our mind which gives impulses to the physical body. Through some thoughts or picture in our mind or something what we see in our environment a feeling in our stomach area arise/comes up. So on that point… Weiterlesen
2012 Self-Religion as the Reason of Religions and Abuse
Why do Religions exist? Would Religions exist when there is no Human? What will remain when Humanity do not exist? Reality or our Thoughts, Feeling & Emotions?
A Religion exist because of a Believer. This Believer maybe is searching for answers but he has lost his way by looking on points which are not real but started… Weiterlesen
2011 Perfectionism vs. Self-Perfection
Perfectionism is Mind-Ego-driven – One have some desires & wants and this must to be fulfilled for this person otherwise those will feel frustrated because of not happening it. Perfectionism is in fact self-sabotage & self-manipulation. You abuse yourself & your environment by wishing & desiring something because of holding on an Idea how things should look… Weiterlesen