….my walk through Life

Here I share my Self-Realizations & how I have changed myself in an effective & sustained way.

2012 Dietary Change Update2



2012 Base-Powder Diet & Dietary Change 1 Update



2012 Take Care on what you Eat


As an Ayurveda Practitioner I have also learnt about the Ayurveda & conventional forms of nutrition & I experienced also on my body and on reactions from others that food is not equal food for and to everybody. Also I have to say that I work not with all parts from Ayurveda because from my understand of Life or rather… Weiterlesen

2012 Base-Powder Diet with Dietary Change



2012 Working in a Tree-Nursery



The last 3 weeks I was working in a Tree-Nursery and here now I share my experiences and happenings during the last 3 weeks.

The major tasks was for 1 Person to unearth the young trees with a tractor with a vibrator then many peoples behind the tractor was shaking off the earth from the roots by hands which is… Weiterlesen

2012 Self-Religion as the Reason of Religions and Abuse


Self-Relgion as the basic of Religion and Abuse - RIP




Why do Religions exist? Would Religions exist when there is no Human? What will remain when Humanity do not exist? Reality or our Thoughts, Feeling & Emotions?

A Religion exist because of a Believer. This Believer maybe is searching for answers but he has lost his way by looking on points which are not real but started… Weiterlesen

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