2012 Is the Law against Healing-Methods for Cancers? – About Burzynski & Hamer
Dr. Burzynski is a medical Doctor in Mexico. In the end of the 70′s he found/created a successful Cancer-Treatment. He found out that some peptides and metabolites are different between cancer-free and cancer-diagnostic peoples. So he created a combination of the peptides & metabolites from the health people called Antineoplastone which works close with approximately 100 genes together.… Weiterlesen
2011 Equal Money and Dogs will live like Gods
The basic Principle of Equal Money is taking care on each other and allowing only those Systems which works for the best of all which means that every body here will get treated equally so that all Life live in dignity.
Thousands of animals mostly dogs live on the streets and starve or fight for the last piece of food… Weiterlesen