
2012 Is the Law against Healing-Methods for Cancers? – About Burzynski & Hamer


Humanity is the Problem and thus the Solution - Equal Money System - by Cathy Krafft



Dr. Burzynski is a medical Doctor in Mexico. In the end of the 70′s he found/created a successful Cancer-Treatment. He found out that some peptides and metabolites are different between cancer-free and cancer-diagnostic peoples. So he created a combination of the peptides & metabolites from the health people called Antineoplastone which works close with approximately 100 genes together.… Weiterlesen

2012 Self-Religion as the Reason of Religions and Abuse


Self-Relgion as the basic of Religion and Abuse - RIP




Why do Religions exist? Would Religions exist when there is no Human? What will remain when Humanity do not exist? Reality or our Thoughts, Feeling & Emotions?

A Religion exist because of a Believer. This Believer maybe is searching for answers but he has lost his way by looking on points which are not real but started… Weiterlesen

2012 Too much Sleeping is an Escape from Reality


Our Mood is Our Doom - Matti Freeman

The last days I observed by myself that when I sleep to long I feel more tiered. I see and realize that the body needs a certain time to relax but the point what the psychology says that the mind have to process some experiences is definitely bullshit. I have also the feeling that when I sleep longer as necessary… Weiterlesen

2011 Is a Life without Debt & Taxes Possible?


Debt & Taxes is Damnation - Let the Damned be Free - Equal Money




In an Equal Money System  Taxes & Debt will no longer exist because the EMS will support humanity – each one equally in dignity – and not exploiting through make believes that everything is ok so how it works.

The existed Money-System or rather the whole Life what we currently live here on earth is through… Weiterlesen

2011 Equal Money – Where Life begins


In our current money system we have built up limitations over limitations.

All how we  express ourselves is based on money -

if you have hobbies like mountain biking or juggle or cooking or ….. you need money -
if you want to fly to india for making exeat you need money -
if you need to eat and… Weiterlesen

2011 Praise China – They work for our Greed !



The Merry Christ-mess time is not really the time of Love – It is the time of exploiting others that we can follow blind our greed of consumerism.

Nobody took all this things in consideration where all the product what we see in our shops come from and under which expense & conditions those products are created. The most… Weiterlesen

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