2012 Why Ascension will bring no better World for all
The Winter in Europe became very hard. Within the actual stand there are more than 200 People who frozen already to death and of course not to forget that there are thousands of people who starve to death each days and children who must work as prostitutes for their survival and so and so forth.
Is this a worthy living… Weiterlesen →
Veröffentlicht unter Debunking 2012, Ascension & Spirituality, English | Verschlagwortet mit 2012, angels, annunaki, armut, ascended master, ascension, aufstieg, beautiful, bessere welt, better world, brainwashing, calender, children, conscious, crystal child, cult, desteni, desteni2012, died on hypothermia, disaster, doomsday, earthling, equal money system, equalmoney, erdling, erzengel, exposing, freedom, freeze, frozen, gehirnwäsche, god, golden age, goldenes zeitalter, gott, guide, higher dimensions, hilarion, hirachie, hungernot, indigo, jesus, judgment day, kryon, licht liebe, lichtarbeiter, lichtgitternetz, Life, love light, marduk, maya kalender, mayan, metatron, news, nibiru, peace, people to death, poverty, religion, sai baba, sekte, shiva shanti, spirit, spirituality, starvation, tag des jüngsten gerichts, untergang, verbrechen, vibration, welt, white light, winter | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
2011 Equal Money will blow your Fears away
Maybe you experienced it when you walk alone offside the street and you see one person coming towards you – in the beginning you look to the person but while the person comes closer slowly an emotional reaction of fear or uncertainty in connection with some thoughts arise within yourself and you are no longer able to look this person… Weiterlesen →
Veröffentlicht unter English, The World & Equal Money FAQ's | Verschlagwortet mit afraid, alignment, anxiety, anxious, basic income, bedingungsloses grundeinkommen, bge, brainwashing, change, consciousness, desteni, destonians, Dignity, ego, equal money system, equality, equalmoney, experience, fear, joy, Life, light, love, manipulation, mind, mind altering, nlp, oneness, peace, persönlichkeit, program, psychologie, psychology, quantenheilung, quantenphysik, quantum, research, self, veränderung | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
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