
2012 Why Ascension will bring no better World for all


Ascension brings no Equality - Equal Money for all - Matti Freeman

The Winter in Europe became very hard. Within the actual stand there are more than 200 People who frozen already to death and of course not to forget that there are thousands of people who starve to death each days and children who must work as prostitutes for their survival and so and so forth.

Is this a worthy living… Weiterlesen

2011 Is a Life without Debt & Taxes Possible?


Debt & Taxes is Damnation - Let the Damned be Free - Equal Money




In an Equal Money System  Taxes & Debt will no longer exist because the EMS will support humanity – each one equally in dignity – and not exploiting through make believes that everything is ok so how it works.

The existed Money-System or rather the whole Life what we currently live here on earth is through… Weiterlesen

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