
2012 Animated Films as role model function for Children


child butterfly

Sometimes I watch some animated films and last time I realized an interesting point. It is about the fun-factor. The most scenes are based on sarcasm, cheating each other and/or pure violation. Someone hurts and the others laughs/ are happy about it. It shows always a win-lose situation. One is always better than another.

So my question is now –… Weiterlesen

2012 Science & the perfect State of Development


Why is Life a Strive - Matti Freeman - Desteni - Equal Money for all



Today I have read an article about a new Study that Chemotherapy in Pregnancy has allegedly no side- and after-effect for the Baby.

So just from a Perspective with Common Sense – which side-effects & after-effects has Radiation & Chemotherapy in general?

As we know a lot – the most of the people who got Chemotherapy are no… Weiterlesen

2011 Equal Money – Where Life begins


In our current money system we have built up limitations over limitations.

All how we  express ourselves is based on money -

if you have hobbies like mountain biking or juggle or cooking or ….. you need money -
if you want to fly to india for making exeat you need money -
if you need to eat and… Weiterlesen

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