2011 Stop the Lies of Media with Equal Money
Media currently present not what´s really going because they are based on Money and therefore they decorate their news so that all will read it and find it interesting. The more readers would find the news interesting the more will buy this newspapers or magazines or watch this TV-Channel.
Another… Weiterlesen
2011 Are People Free to Celebrate different Cultures or Religions? Equal Money FAQ
Are people free to celebrate different cultures? What/Where is the Line of Religion?
Lets first take a look on some Religions, what they do or for what they stand and why they exist at all?
Major Religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jewry & Buddhism and many more. They all exist because humanity searched for answers about Life and… Weiterlesen
2011 Vieles was wir im Leben nicht berücksichtigen !
Unser Geldsystem beeinflusst alles was derzeit hier auf Erden existiert – egal ob es mit Kunst, Urlaub machen, Essen, Trinken und Wohnen, Bildung, Medien, Internet, Briefmarken sammeln, gemütliches Beisammen sitzen, und vieles mehr noch zu tun hat.
Also je mehr Geld jemand zu verfügung hat, desto größer ist seine sogennante Freie-Wahl an der Teilnahme dieser Dinge & in dieser… Weiterlesen
2011 What is Intervention? – Equal Money FAQ
Intervention will be used to support those people who allow or exercise abuse. The Equal Money System will intervene immideately by seeing any form of abuse because it furthermore a protection for all other living beings here on earth. Only so we can get sure that nobody get hurt from this person or group.
So called Intervention is a real… Weiterlesen
2011 Isn’t it Wonderful to be here on earth?
I have been here now 29 and a half year and I can say – NO – it isn’t wonderful to be here on earth.
But Why? – What is Reason for it?
If one claim that living here on Earth in our current World-Situation is wonderful – those are definitely Abusers because they allow the extensive abuse what… Weiterlesen