2012 How can Love be the answer for our problems?
First of all I want to look on what love is.
I realized that Love is just an energetic and chemical reaction within our mind which gives impulses to the physical body. Through some thoughts or picture in our mind or something what we see in our environment a feeling in our stomach area arise/comes up. So on that point… Weiterlesen
2012 Take Care on what you Eat
As an Ayurveda Practitioner I have also learnt about the Ayurveda & conventional forms of nutrition & I experienced also on my body and on reactions from others that food is not equal food for and to everybody. Also I have to say that I work not with all parts from Ayurveda because from my understand of Life or rather… Weiterlesen
2012 Working in a Tree-Nursery
The last 3 weeks I was working in a Tree-Nursery and here now I share my experiences and happenings during the last 3 weeks.
The major tasks was for 1 Person to unearth the young trees with a tractor with a vibrator then many peoples behind the tractor was shaking off the earth from the roots by hands which is… Weiterlesen