2012 Working in a Tree-Nursery
The last 3 weeks I was working in a Tree-Nursery and here now I share my experiences and happenings during the last 3 weeks.
The major tasks was for 1 Person to unearth the young trees with a tractor with a vibrator then many peoples behind the tractor was shaking off the earth from the roots by hands which is… Weiterlesen
2012 Is the Law against Healing-Methods for Cancers? – About Burzynski & Hamer
Dr. Burzynski is a medical Doctor in Mexico. In the end of the 70′s he found/created a successful Cancer-Treatment. He found out that some peptides and metabolites are different between cancer-free and cancer-diagnostic peoples. So he created a combination of the peptides & metabolites from the health people called Antineoplastone which works close with approximately 100 genes together.… Weiterlesen
2012 Self-Religion as the Reason of Religions and Abuse
Why do Religions exist? Would Religions exist when there is no Human? What will remain when Humanity do not exist? Reality or our Thoughts, Feeling & Emotions?
A Religion exist because of a Believer. This Believer maybe is searching for answers but he has lost his way by looking on points which are not real but started… Weiterlesen
2012 New Study – The Europeans work too little.
Today I have read an article about a new Study from the World-Bank-Group where they means that the Europeans have to work more so that we have a steady growth of our Economy because currently it seems that we have a falling within our Productivity. The Study shows also that Europe become a Lifestyle-Super-Power from the whole Human-History and that… Weiterlesen