2012 Self-Religion as the Reason of Religions and Abuse
Why do Religions exist? Would Religions exist when there is no Human? What will remain when Humanity do not exist? Reality or our Thoughts, Feeling & Emotions?
A Religion exist because of a Believer. This Believer maybe is searching for answers but he has lost his way by looking on points which are not real but started… Weiterlesen
2011 Equal Money will blow your Fears away
Maybe you experienced it when you walk alone offside the street and you see one person coming towards you – in the beginning you look to the person but while the person comes closer slowly an emotional reaction of fear or uncertainty in connection with some thoughts arise within yourself and you are no longer able to look this person… Weiterlesen
2011 Perfectionism vs. Self-Perfection
Perfectionism is Mind-Ego-driven – One have some desires & wants and this must to be fulfilled for this person otherwise those will feel frustrated because of not happening it. Perfectionism is in fact self-sabotage & self-manipulation. You abuse yourself & your environment by wishing & desiring something because of holding on an Idea how things should look… Weiterlesen
2011 Are People Free to Celebrate different Cultures or Religions? Equal Money FAQ
Are people free to celebrate different cultures? What/Where is the Line of Religion?
Lets first take a look on some Religions, what they do or for what they stand and why they exist at all?
Major Religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jewry & Buddhism and many more. They all exist because humanity searched for answers about Life and… Weiterlesen