
2011 Perfectionism vs. Self-Perfection


Equal Money - A World is Alive




Perfectionism is Mind-Ego-driven – One have some desires & wants and this must to be fulfilled for this person otherwise those will feel frustrated because of not happening it. Perfectionism is in fact self-sabotage & self-manipulation. You abuse yourself & your environment by wishing & desiring something because of holding on an Idea how things should look… Weiterlesen

2011 Equal Money – Where Life begins


In our current money system we have built up limitations over limitations.

All how we  express ourselves is based on money -

if you have hobbies like mountain biking or juggle or cooking or ….. you need money -
if you want to fly to india for making exeat you need money -
if you need to eat and… Weiterlesen

2011 Praise China – They work for our Greed !



The Merry Christ-mess time is not really the time of Love – It is the time of exploiting others that we can follow blind our greed of consumerism.

Nobody took all this things in consideration where all the product what we see in our shops come from and under which expense & conditions those products are created. The most… Weiterlesen

2011 Stop the Lies of Media with Equal Money












Media currently present not what´s really going because they are based on Money and therefore they decorate their news so that all will read it and find it interesting. The more readers would find the news interesting the more will buy this newspapers or magazines or watch this TV-Channel.

Another… Weiterlesen

2011 Are People Free to Celebrate different Cultures or Religions? Equal Money FAQ


Equal Money System - Real Love, Real Peace , Real Freedom,



Are people free to celebrate different cultures? What/Where is the Line of Religion?

Lets first take a look on some Religions, what they do or for what they stand and why they exist at all?

Major Religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jewry & Buddhism and many more. They all exist because humanity searched for answers about Life and… Weiterlesen

2011 Will there be Radio – Equal Money FAQ


Equal Money - bge Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen - A Change of a Life Time



Radio will exist and every-body will have access to it or rather each household will have a radio because so everybody will be always informed of news and what happens here on earth. The same with Internet.

It is important that everybody now what happens and so we can really work together effectively.
But there will be… Weiterlesen

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